涩涩影视's School Payment Program
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Help videos are available with questions 10, 13, and 14.
1. What is SchoolPay?
SchoolPay is a comprehensive K12 payment service used by 涩涩影视 to collect payments both on-line and in person from parents, community members, and district staff. The service offers the convenience of paying by Visa, MasterCard or Discover card online or on-site at schools. Cash and checks are also accepted on-site.
2. How do I set up an account?
Log in to SchoolPay and click the "Create an Account” button. Enter your information, then your child’s name as it appears in school registration and student ID number. If you don't know your child’s student ID number, contact your child’s school.
3. If my primary language isn't English, are other languages available?
Yes. SchoolPay accounts default to English, but you may select a preferred language. To change the language, select “Language” located in the upper right corner of the screen under the shopping cart. Translations are provided by Google Translate.
4. My child had a balance at the end of the school year. Do funds carryover from the previous year?
Funds in your child’s meal account at the end of the school year carry over to the next year in SchoolPay.
5. Are fees associated with paying by credit/debit card?
Yes. For food service transactions, a $1 transaction fee to partially offset the credit card processing fee is applied. For other credit or debit card payments, there is a convenience fee of 3.35% that applies whether the credit/debit payment is made online or on-site at a school. No fees are included with cash or check payments made on-site.
6. Can I transfer funds from my child’s meal account to pay for school fees and other charges?
No. Though meal payments and payments for school fees and other charges are available for payment in SchoolPay in one convenient location, funds may not be transferred between the School Payments and Food Services sections of SchoolPay. Similarly, payments cannot be transferred from one fee to another.
7. If we qualify for free or reduced-priced meals, do I need to use SchoolPay for school fees/charges since the fees are waived?
Some, but not all, items are eligible for fee/charge waivers. To have fees/charges waived for eligible items, students must qualify for free or reduced-priced meals AND a parent/guardian must complete a Permission to Share Information for Fee/Charge Waivers and Programs to Receive Goods and Services form for the current school year. Items with fee/charge waivers must be selected for payment. The amount for these items will show $0.00 at checkout. You must go through the checkout process for these items for your child to receive the item, service, or to participate in the activity.
8. Can I make payments from my mobile device?
Yes. SchoolPay is web-based and payments can be made from any computer or mobile device.
9. Many items are available for payment when I log on. How do I know what I need to pay for?
You’ll see a list of items available for payment. You select the items for payment based on the classes your child is enrolled in, activities your child will be participating in and/or the merchandise you wish to purchase. Fees/charges associated with participating in an activity or receiving goods must be paid or waived prior to your child participating in the activity or receiving the item. Items that are only paid once (such as athletic participation fees) will disappear from your list in SchoolPay once paid. Payment items such as for fundraisers or merchandise will still be listed whether or not paid to allow families to purchase/donate as often as wished. Refer to the Student Fees and Charges web page for more information.
10. Can I pay for multiple students at different schools at the same time? Help video available.
Yes. To add a child to your account, click your first initial on the top right corner of the screen and select “Profile Management.” Select the “Student Management” tab from the options on the left. Finally, select "Add Child" from the form. If you already have children associated with your account, “Add Child” will appear beneath your last entry.
To add a child: 1. Enter the school district (涩涩影视) 2. Name of your child's school 3. Your child’s student ID number 4. Your child’s last name 5. Repeat for each additional child
Watch this video on how to add a student:
11. Can a relative or friend pay my student's fees in SchoolPay?
Student-related purchases can only be made by a registered user. Friends and family members such as aunts/uncles, grandparents, etc. can each have their own account for the same child. To create an account, the individual will need your child’s name as it appears in the school registration and student ID number.
12. What if I make a mistake and pay for an item that I shouldn’t have?
Contact your student’s school to request a void or refund. Voids can be processed the same day the payment is made. However, once a transaction has settled, a refund must be issued. Refunds can only be issued electronically within 90 days of the transaction; after 90 days, refunds are issued via check.
13. Can I see my payment history? Help video available.
Yes. At the top of your account, hover your mouse over “History.” In the drop down, choose “Items Purchased.” A web page with “Order History Results” will show for the last 30 days of payments. If you’re looking for a specific date, you can change the date range on the left side of the page. You may narrow the search by student or by an item descriptor. Once you’ve changed information on the left side, click "Search" and you'll see your list of purchased items. NOTE: payments made at the school will only show if the office manager/bookkeeper emails you a receipt at the time of payment.
Watch this video about accessing your transaction history:
14. How do I set up automatic payments or add a low balance notification? Two help videos available.
From the Food Service Dashboard, on the right side of each student’s row you can manage your student’s funds including setting up automatic payments or email notifications. At the top of the manage funds section, you can see your last payment, as well as the current low balance action you've set up. To edit your low balance action, click "Details" and:
1. Select a threshold (balance amount for your notification)
2. Select "Send Email" or "Automatic Payment"
3. If you select "Automatic Payment," you will select an amount to AutoPay and also the account to AutoPay from.
4. Save your changes
For a video showing how to edit payment information for automatic food service payments, see below:
For a video showing how to set up low balance alerts, see below:
15. Who do I contact with questions?
For questions about the online service, contact a SchoolPay representative at 888.88.MYPAY (69729) or via email by selecting the “Email Inquiry” under “Contact” on the . If you have questions about a specific payment item, contact your child’s school.