Synergy - 涩涩影视 Student Information System
Students log in with the same user name (student ID) and password used for their 涩涩影视 email.
Parents/guardians and students access grades, attendance, schedules and other student information through Synergy parent and students portals. Complete secure logon through the or through the apps, which can be downloaded from the and .
Parents/guardians can only see their student's information. Parents/guardians must have "educational rights" to access ParentVUE. Once educational rights are reflected in Synergy, parents will receive an email with a user activation code.
Learn how to access and/or activate your account on the "Accessing and Activating a ParentVUE Account" web page. If you have questions, refer to the "Frequently Asked Questions" posted below or contact your school.
Additional ParentVUE Information
Note: “Data not available for this school” indicates the information isn't available for your student's school.
ParentVUE / StudentVUE Menus |
Click on the links to learn more about what you'll find in specific menu items in ParentVUE. |
Download the ParentVUE and StudentVUE apps
- Download the app from the or .
- When first accessing the mobile app, you will be prompted to find your school district and enter a zip code.
- You will be prompted to activate your account. If you have already activated your account, tap ‘No’ to continue to the login screen. If you need to activate your account, tap ‘Yes’ and use the activation key provided to you in an email from 涩涩影视 to continue the activation process. If you have not received an activation key, contact your child's school.
- Login using your ParentVUE/StudentVUE username and password.
Frequently Asked Questions about ParentVUE / StudentVUEIf you still have questions after reviewing the FAQs, please contact your school. |
How do I create a ParentVUE account?
You will receive an email with a one-time activation key from 涩涩影视, along with detailed instructions to set up your ParentVUE account.
What should I do if I don't have an activation key?
If you have not received an activation key or email, contact your child's school.
Do I need a different account for every student enrolled in 涩涩影视?
No. All children that you have educational rights for should be on the same account. If you have received more than one activation key, please contact one of your child's schools.
Can two parents/guardians receive separate login information?
Yes. Each parent/guardian will receive separate login information. Parents/guardians must have different email addresses.
How do I change my password?
Click on "My Account," you will see "Change Password" in the blue banner. If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot my Password" on the login screen.
What do I do if my account is disabled?
Accounts become disabled after multiple continued failed attempts at logging in. Contact your child's school to re-enable your account.
What if I don’t see all of my children listed in my account?
You may have multiple ParentVUE accounts, please contact your child's school.
How do I update or correct inaccurate information?
For information about how to update student or family information in ParentVUE, visit the Student and Family Data Verification web page.
To update inaccurate information, you are unable to update in your ParentVUE account, contact your child's school.
If I don't see my spouse on my account, should I add them as an emergency contact?
No. Additional parent/guardians do not show in ParentVUE. Only emergency contacts should be added.
Why do I have to sign a Code of Conduct acknowledgement every school year?
Each year, parents/guardians and secondary students must sign that they have reviewed the Student Rights and Code of Conduct, which is a compilation of rules, policies and regulations involving student behavior. In years past, this signature has been in paper form.
Parents/guardians need to indicate they have reviewed the Student Rights and Code of Conduct when they log into the ParentVUE parent portal by providing an electronic signature. This needs to be done once a year to gain access to ParentVUE. Parents/guardians will not be given access until this is done.
Can I use my phone to access ParentVUE?
Yes, but you may not be able to view all of the content that is available.
Download the free mobile app in App Store, or Play Store.
How can I contact my child’s teacher?
In ParentVUE, click on "Class Schedule" on the left side, you will see the hot link of the teachers name with an envelope. Click on the hot link and a separate window will pop up with an email to the teacher. Write a message and hit send.
Can I print current and past years’ report cards?
Yes. In the "Documents" section, report cards are available to print in PDF.
My child transferred to 涩涩影视. Can I see their grades earned at their previous school?
You can see your child's grades in the "Course History" section once the school has transcribed the grades from the other school. Only high school grades are transcribed at this time.
How can I check that my high school student is on track to graduate?
In "Course History," a "Graduation Status" graph shows your child's progress towards subject areas. To view additional details on subject area requirements and remaining courses/credits your child needs to earn, click the "Detail" button. The “Test Requirements” area shows whether the student has met Colorado’s College and Career Readiness Measures. Please review the Academics Standards and Graduation Requirements web page for more information.
What is the Permission to Share Form?
Since a child's free/reduced meal status is confidential, families must give 涩涩影视 permission to share that information with staff by completing the Permission to Share Information for Fee Waivers and Programs to Receive Goods and Services form. This form is available electronically through ParentVUE under "Forms."
Can my child log into StudentVUE?
Students log in using their district username and password.
What is the ParentVUE Report Absences feature and how do I use it?
What is the ParentVUE Report Absences feature?
If you see this option for your student, that means the school has opted to use ParentVUE Report Absences functionality.? Parents can submit attendance for a single date or range of dates by clicking on ‘Report Absences’ from the PVUE home screen; a note is required to excuse the absence. Absences submitted will be reviewed by the school Attendance Clerk. Absences submitted without a note are subject to being delayed, denied, or unexcused when reviewed by the Attendance Clerk. Please note that schools may take up to 24 hours to process absences. Future absences will not be visible in PVUE until the date of the absence.
Why would I enter attendance in ParentVUE?
If a student is not going to be logged in and/or attending school for a day or series of days, in any phase of instruction, the parent has the ability to document this absence in PVUE instead of making a call and leaving a voicemail to the attendance clerk. Once saved in PVUE, the attendance mark will then be reviewed by the Attendance Clerk.
As a parent, what am I expected to do?
1. Log in to ParentVUE
2. Focus to the student for which you are entering attendance
3. Click on ‘Report Absences’
4. Set attendance mark of ‘A – Absent’ or ‘I – Illness’?
5. Add a note
6. Click Save
Note: Future absences will not be visible in ParentVUE until the date of the absence
For directions with screenshots, please visit the ParentVUE Home, Messages, Calendar and Attendance web page.