涩涩影视 Strategic Plan

Working Together to Help Students Succeed

In 涩涩影视, we are creating a Strategic Plan to guide our work that will enhance the experiences, opportunities and outcomes for all students. The Strategic Plan, in partnership with the 涩涩影视 community, will be our roadmap for the next several years and focuses on these priorities:




Mental Health & Belonging


Graduate With Options


With a Strategic Plan to help guide us, we believe we can best support learning for all students by better aligning practices across our school district. Together, we can support and guide our students toward successes in 涩涩影视 and beyond. 

 Find information and updates about the priorities and projects by visiting: 


Strategic Plan Community Feedback

Community engagement sessions and a survey were held fall 2022, giving our community an opportunity to share their thoughts about district priorities. Students (grades 4-12) were also given the chance to take a student-specific voluntary survey to tell us what they think about our priority areas, goals and strategies.


涩涩影视's vision: To support and inspire every child to think, to learn, to care, and to graduate prepared to be successful in a changing world.

涩涩影视's mission: Educate...Every Child, Every Day