School Boundaries and Maps

Determine Your School

Use the "Find My Neighborhood School" tool to determine your neighborhood school and bus route information based on your address. 

Boundary maps showing attendance areas for each specific school are linked below. For more information about each school, visit the Schools Directory web page.

Other information and district maps:


Changes for 2025-26: Bamford will feed into Preston, Fossil

Read the news item about Bamford feeder changes. >>

Students who live in Bamford’s attendance area will be impacted as follows based on the grade they’ll enter next year: 

Grades 6-10

Grades 6-10: Will attend Preston Middle School and Fossil Ridge High School. There are two exceptions:

  •  Students who currently attend a school that is not their neighborhood school through school of choice or who accept a 2025-26 school choice offer to attend a school other than their neighborhood school can continue to attend those schools. 
  • Students who currently attend TMHS (or would like to start sixth grade there next year AND they will have an older sibling at TMHS next year) can submit an Intent to Enroll form for 2025-26. 涩涩影视 will not provide transportation to TMHS for these students. 

Grades 10-11

Grades 10-11: Will remain at Timnath Middle-High (if that’s the school they currently attend, and they don’t plan to choice into another school next year) through graduation. 涩涩影视 will provide transportation to TMHS for these students.