Sexual Assault Resource Team Program and Survey

SART Peers Program Educates Students

The Sexual Assault Resource Team (SART) Peers Program has been educating students and preventing sexual assault and sexual harassment among today’s youth for over 30 years in the Fort Collins community.

This peer education program utilizes the enthusiasm, talent and credibility of high school student leaders to inform youth about sexual violence. Presenters work to create a school culture that not only teaches tolerance and offers support for survivors, but takes an active stance against all forms of oppression.

The foundational 90-minute SART sexual assault prevention/education program is integrated into high school health curriculum, so every 涩涩影视 high school student has the chance to experience this dynamic, peer-led presentation in their classroom.

Another long standing program component is our peer-led presentation on sexual harassment shared in middle school health classes. Every year, we receive more requests for presentations from teachers, counselors and administrators interested in utilizing this indispensable presentation.

Post Presentation Survey




Contact Information

SART Peer Coordinator
Miranda Bateman | 970.218.4519 |