Title I

Title I A - Improving the Academic Achievement of Students

Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the largest federal program supporting public education. Funding is allocated to local education agencies (LEAs), who then allocate it to schools with high percentages or high numbers of students from low income families. The central objective of Title I, Part A is to ensure that all children reach challenging academic content standards, specifically in reading and math, by providing supplemental resources to schools that qualify.

Title I has requirements regulating how money is dispersed and used by schools. Such requirements include use of federal funds for increasing parent involvement in their child’s education, providing for educational needs of students considered homeless under the , and providing supplemental education services (tutoring) and school of choice options for students in schools not meeting standards. Title I also requires schools to have highly qualified teachers.

More information:


涩涩影视 Title I A Schools

涩涩影视 schools that qualify for Title I, Part A funding are  Harris Bilingual Immersion School, Irish Elementary Escuela Bilingüe, Laurel School of Arts and Technology, Linton Elementary School, Putnam School of Science & Bauder Elementary. 

涩涩影视 creates yearly funding plans for each qualifying school to provide additional staff for reading and math intervention, materials, and after school/summer instruction. These plans must be based on the needs of each school and informed by student achievement data.

涩涩影视 coordinates instructional coaches with a smaller portion of the Title I grant at some non-Title I schools based on needs determined by demographics and student achievement data. Instructional coaches are placed at schools with literacy and/or mathematics achievement gaps and higher rates of students with disabilities, low socioeconomic status, or English Language Learners.

Students may also be invited to participate in extended learning opportunities at Title I schools. ELO programs are usually held outside of school hours or during the summer. Learn more about ELO >>


Parent Involvement in Title I schools

Research shows that students are more successful in school when their parents are involved in their education. 涩涩影视 encourages parents to become involved at many levels. Parent Involvement policies are in place at each school and reviewed each year. 

Parents are encouraged to join committees, work in the classroom, and attend conferences and school events when possible.

涩涩影视's Community-Parent Advisory Council (C-PAC) also gives parents opportunities to take leadership roles. The council meets two times per year to advise on parental involvement in programs supported by Title I and Title III (English Language Acquisition) funds. Parents of students attending Title I schools who express interest on the annual fall Title I Parent Questionnaire receive invitations.


Helpful links:

  • FAFSA - Support for filing out forms for assistance in applying for money for college will be updated in January.
  • Higher Education Single Points of Contact (SPOCS) for Unaccompanied Homeless Youth in Transitioning to Higher Education
  • - Your link to community services
  • in English--A literacy toolkit for parents
  • en Espa?ol -- Una herramienta para padres

Contact Information

Language, Culture & Equity Specialist 

Cindy Baca Olivas | 970.490.3081 | cbacaolivas@psdschools.org