Understanding 涩涩影视's restructured salary schedule for licensed employees
A restructured salary schedule for licensed employees (commonly known as the Teacher Salary Schedule) was effective on August 1, 2020.
Licensed employees new to 涩涩影视 are placed on the lane for their highest completed degree and earned credits beyond degrees and are awarded up to 9 years of verifiable service credit, except in hard-to-fill areas.
All returning licensed employees were placed on the restructured licensed salary schedule according to the chart below. Your current salary placement is listed on .
2019-2020 Salary Lane
effective through July 31, 2020
B (BA)
C (BA+13)
D (BA+26)
E (BA+39)
F (BA+52 or MA)
G (MA+13)
H (MA+26)
I (MA+39)
J (MA+52)
K (PhD)
2020-2021 Salary Lane
effective August 1, 2020
Please note that employees on both lane C (BA+13) and D (BA+26) in 2019-20 were placed on BA18, and employees on both lane G (MA+13) and lane H (MA+26) in 2019-20 were placed on MA18.
Your new lane placement sets you at a salary level but does not change the number of credits you've earned. To change lanes, or be eligible for salary advancement, you must earn enough credits equivalent to the next lane. For some, that means you must earn more than the 18 semester hours of credit usually required to move to the next lane, and for some that means you must earn less.
Additional negotiated changes to the Employee Agreement related to 涩涩影视 Licensed Salary:
- Licensed educators placed at the BA+39 lane as of July 31, 2020, have until December 31, 2020, to get enough credits to move to the MA lane with BA+52 credits equivalent.
- Licensed educators on the BA+52 lane on July 31, 2020, who do not hold master's degrees, will be placed in the new MA lane. After August 1, 2020, educators will not be eligible to move to the MA lane without earning a master's degree (for exception, see above).
- No lane changes will be processed or effective for August 1, 2020.
- You may apply for a lane change for classes completed by August 31, 2020, after November 10, 2020; the salary adjustment will be effective January 1, 2021.
- Lane changes for classes completed after August 31, 2020, will be processed and effective in the following fiscal year per the Employee Agreement in effect at that time.
Q: I’ve completed 15 credits beyond my bachelor’s degree and was on lane C (BA+13); on the new schedule I’m on BA18. Does this mean that I now have 18 credits and only need to complete 18 more to change lanes?
A: No. You must complete a total of 36 credits beyond your bachelor’s degree to move to the next lane; if you already completed 15 semester hours of university credit, you’ll need to complete 21 semester hours (or the equivalent lane change-approved professional development) to move lanes.
Q: I’ve completed 30 semester hours of university credit since my master’s degree and was on lane H (MA+26); on the new schedule I’m on lane MA18. Does this mean that I lost 12 credits?
A: No. You retain all credits you completed. You only need 6 more university semester hours (or the equivalent lane change-approved professional development) to move lanes.
Q: I am currently on lane E (BA+39) and have completed 42 university semester hours of credit. I do not plan to complete a master’s degree but did plan to apply for a lane change to lane F (BA+52) when I complete an additional 10 credits. What should I do?
A: If you complete the additional credits equivalent to 52 semester hours beyond your bachelor’s degree before December 31, 2020, you may apply for a lane change to MA. If you do not complete them by December 31, 2020, you will have to earn a master’s degree to move to the MA lane.
Q: So how many professional development hours does it take now to change lanes or advance salary?
A: You must complete 18 semester hours of university credits, or 270 lane change-approved professional development hours, to apply for a lane change.
Q: I thought I needed 195 hours of professional development to be eligible for a lane change. With the classes I took in the spring, I have enough credits now. Can I do that before August?
A: No. Any lane change submitted after May 10, or that includes classes completed after December 31, of any year goes into effect on August 1 so is subject to the Employee Agreement in place for that school year. The 2019-20 salary schedule required 13 university semester hours, or 195 professional development hours, to be eligible for a lane change. The restructured salary schedule requires 18 semester hours of credit, or 270 professional development hours, to be eligible for a lane change.
Q: How do I know how many credits I have?
A: If you completed the credit bank set-up process in the spring of 2020, your credits are now in your credit bank in the
Q: How can I apply for a lane change with classes that ended after 12/31/2019?
A: Per the negotiated agreement, no lane changes will be processed or effective for classes completed by August 31, 2020, until January 1, 2021. Lane changes for classes completed after August 31, 2020, will be processed and effective in the following fiscal year per the Employee Agreement in effect at that time.