Employee Assistance Services (EAS)

EAS provides 24/7 crisis response.

Please call: 970-488-4925, ext. 1


All of us need help once in a while

Home, health, and life pressures can spill over into work - just as work issues can affect personal relationships. When pressures add up, we can all benefit from talking things over with an experienced, A happy family.licensed professional who can help guide us to effective solutions.

涩涩影视 Employee Assistance Services (EAS) helps 涩涩影视 employees * and their eligible household family members cope with the demands and stresses of life. EAS assists with problem-solving strategies and mental health/substance abuse counseling services, offering a safe place for employees to solve personal issues and move forward in a positive, healthy manner. 


  • Each individual is offered five sessions per problem, per plan year.
  • You do not need 涩涩影视 health insurance to use EAS
  • EAS counseling services are FREE to you and/or your eligible family members
  • EAS counseling services are always voluntary and confidential.

EAS is available to help with any concern you may have, including (but not limited to): 

  • Work/life balance
  • Relationship issues (spouse/partner; family conflicts; parent/child; friendships; coworkers, etc.)
  • Work related issues
  • Life changes and transitions
  • Physical health
  • Grief and Loss
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Stress
  • Substance use and other addictions
  • Mental health/substance use medically certified leave of absence

In addition to the five free sessions, participants of 涩涩影视's PPO1 or PPO2 health plans are eligible for mental health/substance use benefits, which are administered through EAS. EAS can assist with a thorough assessment, treatment planning, care coordination, and EAS network provider recommendations to best meet your needs.

* Temporary employees, substitutes, and varied hour employees without a pay assignment are not eligible for EAS services.

How do I make an appointment?

Please call 970-488-4925.  We will ask you for basic demographic information necessary to set up the appointment. If you have used EAS services within the last 90 days and we have your current demographic information, you may email EAS@psdschools.org to schedule an appointment. EAS sessions are provided via telehealth using the Microsoft TEAMS video platform. 

Contact Information

EAS phone: 970.488-4925 | Fax: 970.488.4933 | eas@psdschools.org

EAS BuildingLocation :
2850 McClelland Drive, Suite 2200 
Fort Collins, CO  80525


EAS Manager
Barbara Fisher, Ph.D., LMFT | bfisher@psdschools.org

EAS Specialist (provider network/benefits/claims)
Cheryl Albaugh, CEAP | calbaugh@psdschools.org

EAS Counselor/Consultants:
Kathy Forrest, M.S., LPC, CAS | kforrest@psdschools.org
Renee Gilkey, Psy.D., LP | rgilkey@psdschools.org
Corie Helms, M.S., LCSW, CAS  | chelms@psdschools.org

Administrative Office Assistant:
Sam Cuff | scuff@psdschools.org