
Our Commitment

涩涩影视 is dedicated to the inclusion of all individuals and making sure you and everyone in our community feel welcome in our schools and buildings. We believe in creating and maintaining spaces for learning and work in which every person feels like they belong.


Digital Accessibility Transition Plan

To show our commitment, 涩涩影视's plan for digital accessibility is linked below. This plan will be updated quarterly as we continue to improve our efforts in digital accessibility. 

View 涩涩影视's Digital Accessibility Plan >> 


Accommodations and Requests 

We work to make appropriate reasonable accommodations or modifications to 涩涩影视 policies and procedures to ensure people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate in district services, programs and activities.

If you have a request, please know we appreciate at least five business days’ notice. Requests for auxiliary aids or other accommodations/modifications made with less than five business days’ notice will be honored to the extent possible.

You can contact us through any of these means:

  • Email your request to
  • Call 970.490.3507 to talk with a 涩涩影视 representative 
  • Visit the 涩涩影视 Information Technology Center, 2413 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins. Call 970.490.3507 to make an appointment.


Websites and Information Accessibility

Our commitment to accessibility encompasses ensuring all 涩涩影视 information is accessible to everyone including information presented on 涩涩影视 websites and relayed through other communication tools. 

Here's what we're doing

We are focused on all website content meeting the  standards, which has three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, Level AAA. At this time our goal is to meet or exceed Level AA. 

We are continuously monitoring and working on meeting these accessibility standards so that you'll have a positive experience. We want you to easily find our information and be able to understand it.  

Let us know what you think

Information message

Please use the form below if you have difficulty accessing information from the 涩涩影视 website (or through other communications), if you need information in an alternative format or if you have suggestions for improvement.

Feel free to share your positive experiences too. We love success stories! We'll try to respond back to you within five business days.

If you have any additional documentation that may help, please upload it here.
Upload requirements

Status message

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