2024 Mill Levy Ballot Language

In order to make more general fund revenues available for the purposes set forth below, shall 涩涩影视 R-1 taxes be increased by up to $49,000,000 annually commencing in tax collection year 2025, increasing with the rate of inflation, for the purposes authorized and in accordance with section 22-54-108.7, C.R.S., (the Debt Free Schools Act), with the effect that more general fund revenue will be available to improve and maintain the quality education including but not limited to:

  • Attracting and retaining highly qualified teachers and staff by maintaining competitive salaries and providing necessary classroom materials
  • Providing the education that today’s students need for tomorrow’s jobs and careers, including classrooms for career, technology, and skilled trades that provide students with real world job skills and providing books, technology, facilities and other materials needed for students to develop these skills
  • Supporting small, neighborhood schools to provide students individual attention and the greater sense of community they need to learn and thrive
  • Maintaining and improving schools and facilities to ensure secure, healthy and comprehensive learning environments by replacing outdated electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems and addressing repairs and renovations to extend the useful life of buildings
  • Providing arts, music, library, and physical education supplies and facilities so students receive a well-rounded education

And shall such additional revenue from this tax be deposited into the supplemental capital construction, technology and maintenance fund and used for ongoing cash funding for capital construction, new technology upgrades, and maintenance needs of the District; and provided that expenditures will be subject to an annual audit and citizen oversight; and shall the District be authorized to collect, retain and spend all revenues from such taxes as a voter approved revenue change?